Everyone is welcome! Come for the entire Weekend or just a day or so. We welcome participants for the Sunday clinics – 10:30- 12:00 is a group, unmounted clinic, 5 horse/persons total. 1:00 Individual sessions, up to 5 horse/persons. Need not have an Akhal-Teke, if you want to learn more about your partnership with your horse, this is for you!
All Three Days: $125, includes auditing clinics, Awards Banquet and more.
Auditing: Saturday Seminars/lunch, Sunday all day, lunch – $75
Awards Banquet – $50
Sunday only/w lunch: $40
Saturday seminars only: $35
Sunday Clinics: 10:30 am – unmounted clinic, $75 each
1 – 5 pm, 45 minute individual sessions, $125 each.
Contact [email protected] to reserve your spot!

Join us for a 2 – hour seminar and a two-hour demonstration followed by a one-day clinic that introduces you to the fascinating world of equine behavior. This program will help you to understand how your Akhal-Teke learns and how you can effectively use this knowledge in all interactions with this special equine partner.
Why offer this program?
We are offering this lecture and clinic to help Akhal-Teke people have meaningful learning opportunities when interacting with their equine companions. Those of us who have been fortunate to work with Akhal-Teke’s know of their sensitive and grounded manner and their willingness to work with people. By understanding more about equine behavior, we can protect this sentient being and support their trust as much as possible.
Who will benefit from this program?
Looking for a way to create learning responses from your horse instead of reactions?
Looking for tools to help you bring your horse back into relaxation from tension?
Looking for methods to create respectful boundaries without losing trust?
Feeling there can be a more compassionate way to connect with the horse when practicing Natural Horsemanship exercises?
This program addresses these questions and provides effective and proven tools for solutions to these types of issues.
What makes this seminar unique?
This seminar and clinic will focus on the behavior of sensitive and willing horses, such as the Akhal-Teke and offers a customized approach for compassionate training through gentle strength. The seminar learning behavior theories will be applied during the demonstration and clinic.
Why you need to attend.
Equine behavior clinics are just hitting the mainstream. They are few and far between. Now is your opportunity to dip into the mind of the horse. Observe and experience a magical change when you learn to speak “horse”.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
? Robert Frost
Accidentally, we all have created situations that pushed our horses out of their window of tolerance. The goal is to be able to recognize when horses are approaching their thresholds and to bring them down into a more trusting and relaxed state. Every time a horse reacts (fight or flight) to a situation is a missed opportunity for learning and it is a long road back to trust and connection.
The key is: Prevention Prevention Prevention
Why we care.
Throughout history, the Akhal-Teke has captured our imaginations, galloped through our dreams, and stunned us with their beauty, wisdom, and grace. With their cooperation, we have successfully engaged them for countless tasks. These horses have accepted being a partner for centuries from plowing fields, to assisting in wars, to performing for entertainment.
The Akhal-Tekes have earned their rights for contented and full lives.
For all the horse has done for us, it is through our gratitude that we examine what
we offer to the horse in return.
Come spend the weekend with Akhal-Tekes, Good Food and Good Friends!