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To explain the lines, one must know a little history.

In 1927 (about 30 years after Turkmenistan was captured by Russia, and most horses confiscated to cripple the country and keep the Turkmen under control)  an expedition was made by Professor Gorelov to  make inventory of the horses in Turkmenistan.

There were no written records, all horses presented were given a verbal report on parentage.

Together with Professor W.O. Witt and the Union-Research-Institute of Horse breeding in Rjasan ( Viniik still today manages the closed Akhal-Teke studbook).

At this time horses were entered into the studbook, and lines were documented.

Only the sire lines were documented as they did not have the time nor resources to do the female lines.

The lines came from the different villages. Only the lines that were most recognizable as a group were used in the registry.

The Line Boinou was the most recognizable.

Form the line Boinou, sub lines were created from outstanding stallions. They were recognized, and honored their own line.

  • Boinou created the line Mele Kush, a line that still exists today. Mele Kush created the line Sapar Khan and it created the Sere line.
  • Boinou created the line Baba Akun it created the line Toporbai and it created the line Karlavach line.
  • Boinou created the line Dovlet ishan it created the line Everdi Teleke and it created the line Skak, and it created the line Peren.
  • Boinou created the line Bek Nasar Al it created the line Bek Nasar Dor. Bek Nasar Al created the line Posman.
  • Boinou created the line Mele chep it created the line Ag Ikhan and it created the line Kir Sakar and it created the line Kaplan. Ag Ikhan created the line Arab.
  • Sultan Guli created the line Slutchai it created the line Fakirpelvan. Slutchai created the line Gelishikli and some people now honor the new line Gundogar.
  • Chopar Kel created the line Dor Bairam.
  • Chopar Kel created the line Ak Sakal and it created the line Kara Kir.
  • Chopar Kel created the line Ak Belek.
  • Niderbai created the line Voron and it created the line Kara Kunon.

Boinou, born 1885

Examples of Boinou descendants creating the EL line

Examples of Boinou descendants creating the Everdi Teleke line

Examples of Boinou descendants creating the Kaplan line

Examples of Boinou descendants creating the Karlavach line

Examples of Boinou descendants creating the Kir Sakar line

Examples of Boinou descendants creating the Arab line

Examples of Sultan Guli Descendants creating the Gelishikli line

Examples of Sultan Guli Descendants creating the Fakirpelvan line