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Additional Optional DNA tests that can be preformed for an additional fee:

NOTE:  All DNA Testing can be done from a sample collected by pulling 30-40 mane and/or tail hairs from a horse, all at the same time.  There is no need to send in separate samples for the additional tests. Check out our DNA Sample Collection Instructions for how to collect.

Naked Foal Syndrome

Naked Foal results are now printed on ATAA registration certificates. If your horse has been tested, and the ATAA Registrar has a copy of the test result, the results will be printed on the certificate.

The offspring of tested parents that do NOT carry the recessive lethal gene for NFS will NOT be carriers of NSF.  This too will be indicated on the offspring’s ATAA registration papers. 

Want to learn more about NFS testing? Visit our NFS webpage. Not sure your horse or its parents have been tested? Check on the NFS result page. How to read the results on the certificate is listed HERE.

The ATAA continues to support NFS Testing. For an additional $40, the ATAA will have your horse tested for NFS, provided it is not the offspring of tested parents that are already proven to NOT be carriers of NFS. 

Color Testing

The ATAA receives a special price for full color panel testing, $60.  If you would like your horse/foal color tested, submit a DNA hair sample with the Equine Genetics submission form.