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Last post before Membership Directory deadline!

By March 27, 2017No Comments


Hi all,
This will be the last post before the ATAA Membership Renewal deadline on March 31st (of course, you can renew or join after the deadline, but then you probably won’t make it into the Membership Directory).

 We have lots of great things planned this year, including the AT class at Dressage at Devon and our yearly Annual Membership Meeting in September.   We just joined the USEF as an Alliance Partner, which should get us more exposure to the equestrian community. 
 We have DOUBLED the amount of the Incentive Fund Award, to $2000.
 We continue to give out coupons for half off the Naked Foal Syndrome testing, to help stamp this mutation out.
 We have other ‘irons in the fire’ too, with details as they happen.
Of course, your membership dues are what fund the vast majority of our promotions and we ask that you continue to support the ATAA and help us preserve, promote and protect the Akhal-Teke!

 Thank you,
 PS;  if you’ve already sent your Membership Renewal in, we thank you!