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The ATAA is an USEF Alliance Partner!

By March 18, 2017No Comments
The ATAA is now an Alliance Partner with USEF! A special thanks goes to Olwen Busch, who suggested it and then donated the funds for us to do it. More information as it becomes available!
The benefits:
Thank you for your commitment as a USEF Alliance Partner for the 2017 Competition year! The USEF recognizes the important role each equestrian organization plays in representing, shaping, and fostering growth within its respective breed or discipline. Attached you will find USE…F Alliance Partner logos for your use along with a USEF Certification of Alliance Partnership.
As an Alliance Partner you receive the following valuable benefits:
• Opportunity to submit news about your organization for inclusion in Equestrian Weekly
• Listing and link to Alliance Partner website on
• Alliance Partner links on website serve as a reference directory for 100,000 plus members and general public inquiries
• Receipt of all USEF Press Releases and E-News.
• Equestrian magazine – the USEF’s award winning digital publication
• Use of “USEF Alliance Partner” logos on your organization’s website
• Access to use of USEF Breed/Discipline Rules at competitions as defined in USEF GR204.3 and GR204.4
• USEF Certification as a USEF Alliance Partner

You can join or renew your ATAA membership before March 31st and take advantage of all our great promotions and benefits!  We can’t do it without you!