Attention everyone!!
VNIIK wants to stop accepting purebred AT registration for older non-VNIIK registered horses soon (older horses that not have been VNIIK registered yet). This means that the day is coming that if your horses are NOT in the closed VNIIK studbook, they will NOT be considered Purebred Akhal-Tekes.
They want current year foals registered by October 1st (or the process started):
VNIIK wants to stop accepting purebred AT registration for older non-VNIIK registered horses soon (older horses that not have been VNIIK registered yet). This means that the day is coming that if your horses are NOT in the closed VNIIK studbook, they will NOT be considered Purebred Akhal-Tekes.
They want current year foals registered by October 1st (or the process started):
- Fill out the VNIIK Foal form (for horses of ALL ages if not already VNIIK registered)- sire and dams need VNIIK numbers, not the ATAA numbers. (Questions, see below)
- Fill out ATAA registration form
- Take photos, fill in markings in application in RED INK.
- Send forms, photos and fees to the Registration Secretary to start the process. PayPal and email is ok.
Don’t panic if your horse’s older relatives aren’t VNIIK registered We have a grant to help with that:
‘Previously unregistered purebred ancestors will be “noted” in VNIIK with a foal registration number for a fee of approximately $41 per unregistered ancestor or parent, paid by our grant.
This is instead of a full blown VNIIK passport of each unregistered parent/ancestor of $186 each. Contact the registrar or Registration Secretary to see if your horse’s ancestors qualify for this program. YOU STILL NEED TO PAY FOR YOUR HORSE’S VNIIK REGISTRATION!!!!’
Questions: Ask Amrita at [email protected] or Cathy at [email protected]
Amrita Ibold
Cathy Leddy