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2015 Board Meeting Minutes

By October 5, 2015No Comments
BOD meeting minutes, September 18, 2015  Hampton Inn, Whitestown, Indiana
Call to order at 9:03 by President, Catrina Quantrell

Roll call – Betsy Wandler, Catrina Quantrell, Jas Shearer McMahon, Cathy Leddy, Eron Owens, Tish Saare via Skype, Amrita Ibold via conference call

Reading of last year’s minutes and approval – Cathy reads last year’s meeting minutes.

Motion:  Catrina motions to approve, Pat seconds.  Approved

Old business:

How to retain members – Pat, Jas and Cathy talked about this issue earlier and came up with some ideas: We need to inspire people that we are for the breed, sense of community.  Tish suggests powerpoint of what we have done. Eron suggests  yearly report being a one click item on website.  Promotions, end of year report.  Suggestion of having page on website why breed is so special, it’s heritage.  Look at ALBC’s model.  Do we want to ask membership about changing bylaws?  Go to Electronic ballots? Vote by email?  1st time members only get a packet, not renewing members. Update online Paypal. Talk more tomorrow.

HorseFlicks report – it’s done.  DVDs for sale.

Repeat raffle for new foal registrations? – no, people should register their foals, lower price is incentive enough.

Raffle for early renewals/membership? Continue, it is working.

Logowear for sale: 11 or 12 sweatshirts left, put in ATAA webstore.

New Business:

Agenda for General Membership Meeting -oked

Grading/Rare Breeds show – Could a warmblood judge look at an AT and give a decent grading? Should we continue with Russian standards?  Do we want them grading our horses? Slideshow from Tish mentioned. Think of what is best for the horses.  Idea of using American experts such as Molly Nicodemus and Jillian ? .  Vote for judges?

Awards – should we do outside awards?  What sorts? – should be related to our breed, ideas:  Show headstall, halters, saddle pads, stall guards with logo. Stall hanging.

Annual Conference – should we go to every other year?  Possibly having our conference overseas at, for example, the European Championships.  Regional conferences?  So few people compete at national level – ideas such as donating jumps at major venues.

Amrita volunteers Pat to talk to ALBC about expos and how to map where our horses are.

Should we offer PDF memberships to cut down on postage and printing costs?  How to do this on website?
Strategic Plan – Pat- need a framework, Imagine from 10 years from now. 

Need a vision – break it down, 10 year retrospective.  Pat will help process of strategic plan, work on it tomorrow.  Amrita suggests a Conference call to discuss.

Grading/breed standard discussion –during Rare Breeds Show discussion.
Motion:  Cathy motions to adjourn 10:36, Jas Seconds.  Approved.