According to out stats, horse color is almost always #1 for search topic.
Our color page needs updating and finishing.
We need help with this!
We need a volunteer who can writ up little paragraphs for each color and a picture of the horse for visual.
If you feel compelled or know of some one who would be good for this, please contact the webmaster!
According to out stats, horse color is almost always #1 for search topic.
Our color page needs updating and finishing.
We need help with this!
We need a volunteer who can writ up little paragraphs for each color and a picture of the horse for visual.
If you feel compelled or know of some one who would be good for this, please contact the webmaster!
We need a person to write up why one should ride a Teke in enduarance.
If you feel compelled or know of some one who would be good for this, please contact the webmaster!
Thank you!