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Team Teke back on the web!

By June 20, 2013No Comments


The website of Team Teke GB has been re-launched. Please visit and let us have your comments/suggestions. Many thanks to Clare Harris for designing it.
You can read back issues of Team Teke Talk, place a free ad for items up to £100 (£10 charge above that, or for a photo-ad), or read everybody’s news up to the start of 2012. *Please* would you let us have your news from last year – we are playing catch-up here! Plus, of course, tell us what you and your horses have been up to so far in 2013. We look forward to hearing from you – either by the “Contacts” page or by replying to this email.
Please let us know if you would like a link to your site added. Existing links from the former website are already there.
David Webb
Gill Suttle
Jenny Barnes