Uncategorized First Horse Registered with ATAA for 2012! We are pleased to announce the first ATAA horse registration completed for 2012!"Charming Turk"2011 Akhal-Teke/Arab…Yorke M.March 1, 2012
Uncategorized ATAA Board News Hello everyone, Here is a list of what we have accomplished in February. Memberships and renewals are…Yorke M.February 28, 2012
Uncategorized USDF Awards for Akhal-Teke horses…it’s official! New this year, we have registered the Akhal-Teke with the United States Dressage Federation. For…Yorke M.February 24, 2012
Uncategorized Eramay participates in The Southeast Stallion Showcase, Floirda The Southeast Stallion Showcase http://www.southeaststallionshowcase.com/index.html is a venue for sporthorse breeders to get together and see…Yorke M.February 24, 2012
Uncategorized Slowly Moving forward… We’re continuing our movement forward, good work everyone!This past week we started working on: Registration…Yorke M.February 17, 2012
Uncategorized 2011 FOTATA Results are in! Coming in first place with 100 points and winning the grand prize is Carolyn VanDyke…Yorke M.February 17, 2012
Uncategorized First Show of the Year For FOTATA Founder February CREC Schooling Show Shannon Mayfield attended the first schooling show of the season at the Columbia…Yorke M.February 17, 2012
Uncategorized Early Spring Cleaning! Hi everyone,This is a weekly update of where we are on Board business:New website is…Yorke M.February 17, 2012
Uncategorized AERC 5TH Place For Jas And Patrikhan Jas Shearer-McMahon is an avid endurance rider. In 2011, she earned 5th place in the Mountain…Yorke M.February 17, 2012
Uncategorized First foal of the season born down under! Congratulations to Tom Thomsen in Australia for the birth of a new purebred Akhal-Teke filly!She…Yorke M.February 17, 2012